Aggregate Functions
Aggregate functions calculate a single result from one or more input values, specified as the result of a sub-condition.
The following Aggregate functions can be used within 1Integrate.
Function | Description | Parameter(s) |
all_distinct | Returns true if all the input values are distinct (different). |
all_same | Returns true if all the input values are identical. |
as_list | Returns a list containing all the values passed in. The list may contain duplicates. |
avg | Returns the average (mean) of the input values. |
count |
Counts the number of objects or the number of non-null parameter values. If no parameters are passed, this function counts the number of objects traversed. Otherwise it counts the number of objects for which any of the parameters has a non-null value. |
count_distinct | Counts the number of distinct groups of the specified value or values. |
intersection | Returns the intersection of the input geometries. |
max |
Returns the maximum value of the parameter over each object traversed. The values may be either numerical values, booleans or strings. Boolean values are regarded as being equal to either 1 for true or 0 for false. Strings are compared lexicographically. If numbers are compared to strings, they are converted to strings before being compared. |
mbr |
Returns the MBR (minimum bounding rectangle) of a set of geometries. The final result is the smallest rectangle, with sides parallel to the X and Y axes, containing all the geometry values passed in. |
min |
Returns the minimum value of the parameter over each object traversed. The values may be either numerical values, booleans or strings. Boolean values are regarded as being equal to either 1 for true or 0 for false. Strings are compared lexicographically. If numbers are compared to strings, they are converted to strings before being compared. |
sum |
Returns the sum of the parameter value over each object traversed. The values may be either numerical values, booleans or strings. Boolean values are regarded as being equal to either 1 for true or 0 for false. Strings are added together using concatenation. If numbers are added to strings, they are converted to strings first. |
union | Returns the union of the input geometries. |