Our Board
Our Board of Directors

Claire Milverton
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)Claire Milverton
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)Claire has been CEO of 1Spatial since January 2017 having previously been the CFO.
Claire is passionate about leading and working collaboratively; making the best of her team’s skills to create a great organisation and a positive culture - extending this approach to all other stakeholders including customers and partners.
Claire is also passionate about Innovation and Data. Since being the CEO, Claire has championed the Innovation Process both internally with employees but also externally with customers. Claire believes that working collaboratively with clients and using some of 1Spatial’s leading tools such as 1Integrate is a great way to create new innovative solutions such as the recently released SaaS solutions 1Streetworks and NG9-1-1.
Having worked in finance, Claire is no stranger to issues in relation to poor quality data and recognises the importance of getting an excellent return on the data investment. She is a great believer in good data governance and building innovative solutions that can then capitalise on the high-quality data underpinning the solution.
Claire has had a significant number of years in the technology sector from both her time working within 1Spatial and through her experience at PwC where she was a technology specialist. Claire is a qualified Chartered Accountant.
Key areas of responsibility for Claire as Chief Executive Officer are:
- setting the strategy and vision for the company
- modelling and setting the company’s culture, values and behaviour
- building and leading the senior executive team
- allocating capital to the company’s priorities
- leading M&A transactions
- presenting to and managing key stakeholders including shareholders
- presenting to the Board of Directors on monthly basis
- managing risks and legal obligations of the company.

Andrew Roberts
Non-Executive ChairmanAndrew Roberts
Non-Executive ChairmanAndrew joined the Board in September 2016 and was Executive Chairman from 30 December 2016 until 31 January 2018 when he became Non-Executive Chairman.
Andrew brings significant experience to 1Spatial from both a technology and equity capital markets perspective.
Andrew led The Innovation Group plc from 2009 until its sale to Carlyle Group in 2016 for £500 million. During this time, the company grew to be a global business providing business services and software solutions. He has also been Chairman of Kewill plc, a leading international supply chain software business, Non-Executive Director and Chairman of Civica, a leading UK IT services business and prior to this was Non-Executive Chairman of Vega Group plc until its sale in 2008 to Finmeccanica SPA for £61 million.
Andrew started his career at ICL and then led the management team that turned-around private–equity owned Data Sciences (then a leading BPO business), which was sold to IBM in 1996.
Key areas of responsibility for Andrew as Non-Executive Chairman are:
- setting the ethical tone for the board and the company
- chairing company board meetings and ensuring that the information provided is complete, timely, relevant, accurate, honest and accessible. Ensuring that Board decisions are executed.
- monitoring how the board works together and how individual directors perform and interact at meetings
- overseeing a formal succession plan for the Board, CEO and certain senior management appointments such as the CFO.
- ensuring that good relations are maintained with the company’s major shareholders and its strategic stakeholders, and presiding over shareholders’ meetings
- head of nominations committee and member of audit committee and remuneration committee.

Stuart Ritchie
Chief Financial Officer (CFO)Stuart Ritchie
Chief Financial Officer (CFO)Stuart joined the Board as Chief Financial Officer in December 2022. He is an experienced finance director with a strong background in publicly quoted international technology companies. Most recently Stuart was Group CFO at Fusion Global Limited, a provider of SaaS-based workflow software that generated £30m in annual revenue across its US, UK and continental European operations. His previous roles include Global Head of Accounting and external reporting at Zeal Network SE, a Frankfurt-listed eCommerce group. Stuart is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, qualifying with EY.
Key areas of responsibility for Stuart as Chief Financial Officer are:
- member of the executive team and providing support to the CEO;
- lead, manage and motivate finance team to drive continual year on year productivity improvements and efficiencies;
- maintain the financial processes and continuously develop and assess the control framework to ensure integrity in all financial reporting;
- responsible for production of financial forecasts, budgets and long-term plans that align with the strategic direction of the business;
- oversee the company’s cash flows, treasury and funding requirements;
- oversee all significant commercial transactions in the company;
- management of M&A transaction processes;
- presenting and managing relationships with key stakeholders including shareholders;
- presenting to the Board of Directors on monthly basis;
- managing risks and legal obligations of the company.

Francis Small
Non-Executive DirectorFrancis Small
Non-Executive DirectorFrancis joined the Board in August 2017 as a Non-Executive Director.
Francis brings significant experience from his financial services background, having been at Ernst & Young from 1979 to 2015 where he held key positions, including as London and then UK head of corporate finance, global vice chair and then managing partner of UK & Europe transaction advisory services, global leader of sovereign wealth funds and ultimately senior partner for international clients.
During his time at Ernst & Young, Francis had responsibility for a wide range of teams and divisions, overseeing strategy development while delivering revenue growth. He worked closely with notable businesses including 3i, ArcelorMittal, Rexam, TPG & UBS. Francis is Chairman of British Business Investments, a government-backed investment company that helps provide finance to UK SME businesses, and he chairs the Board of Governors at Kingston University.
Francis graduated from Cambridge University with a degree in law, is a chartered accountant and a fellow of the ICAEW.
Key areas of responsibility for Francis as a Non-Executive Director are:
- attending the company board meetings and providing the input into the following areas:
- Strategic Direction – providing a constructive view on the plans put together by the Executive Directors
- Monitoring performance of the Executive Directors – particularly with respect to progress made in achieving the company strategy and objectives
- Communication – help provide the Executive Directors with a network of useful people and organisations
- Risk – ensuring integrity of financial information and that financial controls and systems of risk management are robust
- Organisation – ensuring that the board works well together and monitor how individual directors perform and interact at meetings
- head of the audit committee and member of the nominations committee and remuneration committee.

Pete Massey
Non-Executive DirectorPete Massey
Non-Executive DirectorPete joined the Board in July 2018 as a Non-Executive Director.
Pete brings significant industry expertise and strategic insight to the Board in the key focus areas of Government, Utility and Transport which he has developed through his long career driving business growth within these industries. Peter has held a number of Senior Executive positions during his career including the following:
- Advisory Board Member, Space Time Insight Inc. (USA/UK)
- Director of Transformation at National Grid plc. (both in the UK and USA)
- Director, Distribution Support at National Grid plc
- Head of Network Sales at National Grid plc
- Head of Network Services at Transco plc
Pete is the Founder and Director of Upcurve Limited, which provide management consultancy services in areas of asset management, IT led transformational change and performance growth for organisations from start-ups to established multi-national organisations. Pete is a Chartered Engineer and graduated from the University of Salford with a BSc (Hons) in Natural Gas Engineering.
Key areas of responsibility for Pete as a Non-Executive Director are:
- Attending the company board meetings and providing the input into the following areas:
- Strategic Direction – providing a constructive view on the plans put together by the Executive Directors
- Monitoring performance of the Executive Directors – particularly with respect to progress made in achieving the company strategy and objectives
- Communication – help provide the Executive Directors with a network of useful people and organisations
- Risk – ensuring integrity of financial information and that financial controls and systems of risk management are robust
- Organisation – ensuring that the board works well together and monitor how individual directors perform and interact at meetings
- Chair of the remuneration committee and member of the audit committee.
Board Committees
Nomination Committee:
- Andrew Roberts – Chairman of the Nomination Committee
- Francis Small – Member
The nomination committee is responsible for screening and proposing candidates for appointment to the board.
The key responsibilities of the Nomination Committee are set out in its Terms of Reference.
Remuneration Committee:
- Peter Massey – Chairman of the Remuneration Committee
- Andrew Roberts – Member
- Francis Small – Member
The remuneration committee reviews the scale and structure of the executive directors’ and senior employees’ remuneration and the terms of their service or employment contracts, including share option schemes and other bonus arrangements. The remuneration and terms and conditions of the non-executive directors are set by the entire board.
The key responsibilities of the Remuneration Committee are set out in its Terms of Reference.
Audit Committee:
- Francis Small – Chairman of the Audit Committee
- Andrew Roberts – Member
- Peter Massey – Member
The audit committee determines the terms of engagement of the company’s auditors and determines, in consultation with the auditors, the scope of the audit. The audit committee receives and reviews reports from management and the company’s auditors relating to the interim and annual accounts and the accounting and internal control systems in use throughout the company. The audit committee has unrestricted access to the company’s auditors.
The key responsibilities of the Audit Committee are set out in its Terms of Reference.
Role of External Advisors
The Executive Team (CEO/CFO)
The executive team are authorised to obtain, at the Company’s expense, professional advice in order to carry out their duties.
The team has access to the advice and services of the Company’s nomad, broker, legal advisors, tax and accounting advisors and its external auditors. If a specialist appointment is required the executive team can obtain approval for this at the monthly Board meeting.
Board committees are authorised to obtain, at the Company’s expense, professional advice on any matter within their Terms of Reference and to have access to sufficient resources in order to carry out their duties.
Committee members have access to the advice and services of the Company’s nomad, broker, legal advisors, tax and accounting advisors and its external auditors. If a specialist appointment is required the committee can obtain approval for this at the monthly Board meeting.
1Spatial plc – England and Wales, No.5429800