Roads and Highways
Smarter data for smarter roads
Roads and highways are a nation’s busiest transport network. In the UK, 90% of passenger miles and 65% of freight miles are travelled by road. In the US, the figures are 87% and 40%.
Well-mapped, congestion-free roads are important to a country’s economic performance.
But, responsibility is frequently split over several regional and functional agencies: mapping, maintenance, traffic control and environmental impact.
We help road management agencies create and manage a current, holistic view of their national or state road networks.
Arizona Department of Transport chooses 1Spatial Technology to Validate its State-Wide Road Network
The Arizona Department of Transport has bought 1Spatial’s 1Integrate product to validate its state-wide road network. The Department will validate and integrate its own road network information with regular updates from multiple contributing government bodies within the state.
Build a holistic, consistent and current view of your highways data
Our automated, rules-based solutions for data management turn data merging, error checking and edge-matching from time-consuming, manual tasks into repeatable routines. We automatically fix common problems, ensure compliance with standards and identify issues that require expert attention.
You can be sure that you have an authoritative, complete and current view of your highways network. And, that makes it easier to integrate other data sets such as traffic density data, speed limits, road-works, pollution levels or any other information.
You can share information with partner agencies and automatically validate data updates received from them so that everyone is working from the same, up-to-date view.
The Arizona Department of Transportation recently purchased our 1Integrate product to automate the validation and integration of roads information from 32 different sources to support its annual submissions of Certified Public Road Mileage and ARNOLD data to the FHWA.
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To discuss how our approach to smarter data can support smarter roads and highways.
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