1Spatial awarded as ‘Safe Software Global System Integrator 2018’
1Spatial awarded as ‘Safe Software Global System Integrator 2018’
Hot off the heels of our FME World Tour events where we did a road trip between the UK cities of London, Cardiff, Leeds and Edinburgh and the Australian cities of Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne, where we met more than 540 keen FME users. A couple of weeks ago, we unpacked our bags briefly, prior to repacking them for our next journey. Last week representatives from our FME Division from Australia and the UK boarded our respective planes to converge on Safe Software’s Partner summit; #SafePS19 in Vancouver, Canada.
It was a packed week designed for Safe’s global partner community and featured multiple tracks to ensure we are kept up to speed with the incredibly fast paced data market in which we work. I was blown away by the pace of development of the FME Data Integration Platform and as usual, was inspired by the exciting changes we’re going to see in the forthcoming months and years. We’ll be letting our customers know some of those details in time, but for now I’m excited for the formal release of FME 2019.1 this month as it will contain some huge steps forward for the platform. In particular we’re going to see some additions to the Automations capability recently added to FME Server in FME 2019. If you can’t wait till the end of the month though, you can take a look at the beta product here http://safe.com/beta.
It was a great event for our accreditation level too. As many of our clients already know us as a leading global partner, we hold great stock in ensuring our specialists have all the right certifications. Last week at the partner conference our FME specialist consultant Simon Green went through his FME Trainer Certification examination with Safe Software’s assessor and came out of the other side with yet another certification to his name. We’re super proud of Simon and he’s already got his place in the FME hall-of-fame https://www.safe.com/partners/1spatial. As if that wasn’t enough at the end of the week Safe Software issued a few awards to their leading partners and we’re proud to announce that 1Spatial are now recognised with Safe Software’s “Global System Integrator 2018” award!
We’re all busy unpacking our bags, but they won’t be unpacked for long as we’re already prepping for several consultancy and training engagements over the next couple of weeks.
If you’d like to ask us anything about the FME platform, please get in touch with us via fme@1spatial.com We look forward to hearing from you.
David Eagle, FME Division Manager – UK, 1Spatial