1Spatial goes “speed dating” with Don Murray from Safe Software

Written by Andrew Bashfield, Sales Manager – 1Spatial Australia
Don Murray Talks FME Server – 1Spatial Customer Sessions July 2020
Each year, my favourite financial advisor goes to Omaha to listen to Warren Buffet, the world’s most successful investor, at the Berkshire Hathaway Annual Shareholders Meeting. Warren is known as the “Oracle of Omaha” for the attention his plans and predictions are given.
My financial advisor could stay in Australia and watch a video of the presentation but he feels it is important to have the chance of a direct conversation with Warren and other investors, so he can pass on the information to his customers with confidence.
Following the success of the online FME World Tour 2020 in Australia, it was clear that many customers were interested in learning more about FME Server, its various deployment platforms: on-premise, cloud marketplace and FME Cloud. They also had questions about licensing and subscription options and FME Server’s future development path, including how to configure Dynamic Engines.
While most of these topics were covered during the World Tour, customers’ queries usually related to their specific implementation, infrastructure, staff capacity and workflow requirements.
Sometimes, there is no substitute for going to the source and having a discussion rather than a presentation. We arranged for Safe Software President and Chief FME Server evangelist, Don Murray, to have direct conversations with representatives from four customer organisations in a “speed dating” style over a 2 hour period.
To speed up the process customers were asked to prepare a list of questions and submit them early so that Don and his team had an opportunity to consider responses.
We used GoToMeeting and recorded the sessions so that we could retrieve key information that might otherwise have been missed in the blur of conversation.
All parties agreed that the format worked well and customers felt that speaking with Don improved their understanding of FME Server and their confidence in plans for future deployments.
Don also enjoyed the sessions and encouraged us to arrange more in the future. There is no shortage of customers that would line up for a chance to discuss technology with Don or his co-founder Dale Lutz.
While COVID-19 has curtailed many opportunities for customers to meet with 1Spatial and Safe staff in person, and while webinars are fine but often one–sided, our Don Murray Sessions have provided us an opportunity to cement relationships with customers by giving them special access to Don. They were able to tell him what they are doing with his software and get his advice for the future.
They spoke with the “Oracle of FME” and 1Spatial provided the opportunity.
If you are interested in attending our next speed dating session, contact us now as spots are limited.
We are also providing online FME training during the COVID-19 pandemic. Take a look at our course schedule.