Location Master Data Management
Global leaders in Location Master Data Management (LMDM)
Combining more than 30 years' expertise with our revolutionary technology, we help organisations build strong data foundations, unlocking the value of their location data for confident and informed decision-making. Our no-code, rules-based technology automates the enhancement and assurance of data at speed and at scale, resulting in increased efficiencies and reduced costs - for a safer, smarter and more sustainable world.
What is Location Master Data Management?
Master Data Management (MDM) defined
Master Data Management (MDM) is a technology-enabled discipline that enables you to connect or combine data from multiple sources in different systems to enable enhanced analysis.
Location Master Data Management (LMDM) ensures that your geospatial (and non-spatial) data management process is automated and repeatable across your enterprise and different technology platforms. By auditing, validating. cleansing, synchronising, updating and analysing different location data sets, it delivers significant cost and time savings, and crucially, data that you can trust and rely upon. It also prepares your data for system replacement and consolidation if needed.
Unlike traditional MDM, LMDM provides you with the right location-enabled technology to meet your unique needs for spatial and non-spatial data.
The 1Spatial Platform
The 1Spatial Platform is a complete set of Location Master Data Management (LMDM) software components, which combines servers, portals, dashboards, SDKs, APIs, data connectors, business-focused applications and our patented 1Integrate rules engine.
- Validate - Data validation - Prepares disparate data sources for synchronisation by assessing the data against predefined business standards or rules.
- Cleanse - Data cleansing - Applies automatic corrections to improve data quality.
- Synchronise - Data synchronisation - Uses spatial and non-spatial techniques to identify where and how data in different systems connects together and helps to manage and improve semantic consistency.
- Enrich and enhance - Data enhancement - Leverages the data you have, along with the knowledge of your experts, to determine – or infer – what’s missing.
- Update - "Data updates" implements automated data improvement processes integrating "change only" updates to maintain uniformity and keep different systems synchronised.
- Analyse - Data analysis enables you to make business-critical decisions and support initiatives using quality data to gain richer insights. You can view quality issues, audit logs and reports to manage stewardship and accountability and ensure LMDM Corporate Governance principles and solutions are embedded into your organisation.

Validate, correct, transform and integrate data
Find out how the powerful rules engine 1Integrate unlocks the value of location data for your enterprise at scale.
Improving data quality and governance
Organisations often work with disparate spatial datasets, that may be held in silos, in different formats and in different systems for different purposes. Often, the systems architecture contains overlapping profiles of information about the same physical entities.
The data may be structured or unstructured, collected at different times or captured using a variety of different technologies. As a result of these factors, the data capture process might have been constrained, resulting in sub-optimal data quality.
Managing this data manually, however, is both complex and costly and can seem overwhelming. This can lead to friction, inefficiency, and risk in business processes.
Speak to an LDLM expert
Contact one of our data management experts today to find out how we can help you.
Contact usHow we are different
Although geospatial data can be handled by traditional GIS software or some database tools, there are key exceptions – which is where 1Spatial’s technology sets us apart from traditional MDM providers, and critically, helping save customers time and money:
- No need for centralisation: Traditional software providers can typically only handle data that has already been centralised into one environment. 1Spatial tools can check and cross-reference the data from different sources and without needing them to be pre-loaded into a central system.
- No-code rules development - Other systems don't provide no-code rules development and often require queries or code to be written by specialist developers.
- Scale and complexity of data - Other systems can struggle with the performance of large amounts of complex cross-referencing needed between the data records. 1Spatial manages some of the largest and most complex geospatial databases in the world, such as Ordnance Survey and the US Census Bureau.
- Cloud-based data upload portal - Other systems don’t provide an out-of-the box, secure, multi-tenancy data upload portal as a way to aggregate data and automatically apply rules.
Delivering confidence in your data
The 1Spatial platform is a complete set of LMDM software components, which combines servers, portals, dashboards, SDKs, APIs, business-focused applications and our patented 1Integrate rules engine, that you can use to ensure your master data is current, complete, consistent and coordinated – and that you can be confident it will remain that way as it evolves. It allows you to master your data in any device, anywhere, anytime, and as SaaS, software on-premises, or as a hybrid of both.
Smarter MDM software using no-code business rules
Careful and automated master data management is at the heart of everything we do. Our 1Spatial platform allows you to revolutionise this process, delivering significant time and cost savings whilst crucially giving you confidence and trust in your data.
Our pioneering rules-based approach uses automation to give you power over your data, putting you in control so that you can be confident it is current, complete, consistent and compliant.
Smarter data means smarter decisions, and smarter decisions mean a smarter world.
Speak to an expert
Speak to an LMDM expert
Contact one of our data management experts today to find out how we can help you.