1Spatial Awarded SIBA|GITA Victorian Award for Spatial Enablement - 2021

And the winner is… North East Water and 1Spatial Australia for their ACDC Validation Portal
Australia, 11th March 2022, (www.1spatial.com) 1Spatial, a global leader in Location Master Data Management (LMDM) software and solutions, in association with North East Regional Water (NEW) were jointly awarded the prestigious Asia Pacific Spatial Excellence Award - Victoria (APSEA) Spatial Enablement category.
The award was in recognition of the As Constructed Drawing Certification (ACDC) Validation Portal, an as-constructed drawing validation portal allowing internal and external consulting engineers the ability to download existing network infrastructure and then validate the drawings provided to North East Water against spatial and a-spatial business rules. The portal has significantly reduced the amount of GIS resources required to get drawings into a validated state and allows consultants immediate feedback on errors.
Judges said the portal showed good use of technology for the efficient/effective management of resources for consistent output, saving time and money.
Andrej Mocicka, Country Manager 1Spatial, commented: We are extremely proud to have been involved in the development of the North East Regional Water (NEW) ACDC Validation portal. Special thanks to Paul Drummond and his team at NEW for the opportunity to work with them in developing this leading-edge application. Special thanks also to the 1Spatial team (Ilse Brits and Leanne Bowen ably lead by Simon Laird) for all their hard work on the project.
Paul Drummond, GIS Coordinator North East Water, commented: We’re proud to receive this award as it recognises the commitment and energy our team and 1Spatial showed to resolve a time and data efficiency gap and deliver a successful outcome. Thank you to the judges and all involved for identifying both parties hard work.
The Asia-Pacific Spatial Excellence Awards (APSEA) celebrate the achievements of top spatial information enterprises and individuals, showcasing the finest projects and most significant performance of professionals that the surveying and spatial industry has to offer. As the project has taken out the Victorian award, it is now nominated for the national award to be presented at the Located Conference 2022. The annual program is jointly hosted by SSSI and partner organisation, SIBA|GITA.
For more information on the North East Water project, read our latest case study: