Amendis & Redal

The Amendis and Redal outsourcing companies are responsible for water, sanitation and electricity services, respectively in the regions of Tangier, Tetouan and Rabat. In this context, and according to official figures available at the end of 2010, Amendis Tangier serves nearly 900,000 inhabitants in 10 different municipalities; Amendis Tetouan serves about 650 000 inhabitants in 14 municipalities; Redal, located in the Rabat region, serves nearly 2 million inhabitants in 14 municipalities.
The 1Spatial Group won the contract to equip these three companies with business mapping management software. The solutions proposed by 1Spatial met perfectly the highly specialized technical criteria requested. One of the strengths of the selected mapping applications is the availability of a value-added business layer offering management tools essential for people in charge of electricity, water and sanitation networks.
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