Reflections on AGI Scotland Annual Conference 2020
1Spatial was delighted to support the AGI Scotland Annual Conference, held in Edinburgh on 25 February 2020. 1Spatial would like to thank the conference organising committee.
30 Years at the heart of the geospatial community
AGI marks 30 years at the heart of the UK geospatial community and starts 2020 with a new mission that puts geospatial at the heart of a sustainable future. Applying geospatial to the global challenge of achieving sustainability is the aim of a new AGI mission. With sustainability and climate change-related issues making the news on an almost daily basis, the theme for the AGI Scotland conference was “Sustainable Scotland”.
Thought provoking agenda
The conference was a huge success and sparked many worthwhile discussions on addressing sustainability for Scotland. The agenda was both thought provoking and varied. Presentations included 25 years of helping Scotland manage its wild spaces, the critical role of geospatial data in sustainable rural land management and assessing the green potential of public land assets across Scotland. Key themes emerged throughout the day, including the value of geospatial data infrastructures providing both authoritative and trusted data for evidence-based decision making and monitoring progress towards Scotland’s sustainability.
1Spatial’s Senior Business Development Manager, Matt White gave a presentation on “The Changing Face of Geospatial Readiness for a Sustainable Scotland”, which coincidentally tied in the themes from throughout the day. As well as Matt’s presentation Senior Business Development Consultant, Phill Ridley took part in a panel Q & A session.
An opportunity to network
1Spatial’s team had many interesting conversations with delegates. This gave us the opportunity to learn about new initiatives, projects and challenges relating to the use of geospatial data. 1Spatial would like to thank delegates for coming to speak to us throughout the day.
Continuing the discussion
Please get in touch, if you would like to continue the sustainability conversation with our government team or take a look at upcoming events we are attending.
Association for Geographic Information (AGI)
Written by Phillip Ridley, Senior Business Development Consultant at 1Spatial