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Bridging the GAP between DOT and NG911

There is a potential for a symbiotic relationship in managing complementary datasets between a State DOT (Department of Transportation) and the EMS (Emergency Management Services) departments.  Following the NENA NG9-1-1 (Next Generation 9-1-1) standards, EMS departments must keep an accurate up to date road centerline dataset (horizontal accuracy of +/- 13.89 feet at 95% confidence) to feed into call routing and dispatch systems.

DOT’s are managing all public road data to meet the FHWA (Federal Highways Administration) ARNOLD requirements. DOT’s survey their assets creating spatially accurate datasets. EMS’s update local public roads more frequently and clean datasets to provide a connected network.  Combining these two datasets can make for a more spatially accurate, up to date, connected network.  In a perfect world the two departments could share the same centerline data.  However, upon further inspection, these datasets feed different systems with different requirements including attribute schemas and spatial representations. For example, a road centerline dataset managed by an EMS office will be split at each intersection.  The DOT will have one feature for the entire extent of the route.  A more complex example is the way intersections are modeled.

These differences make it impractical to manage one road centerline dataset between departments.  State GIS departments are coming up with ways to facilitate the data flow by determining data governance policies and implementing a rules-based-approach. This webinar will discuss how State agencies like Kansas and Arizona intend to support and facilitate data governance to bridge the gap between DOT and NG9-1-1.