1Spatial For Electricity Networks
Data-based knowledge and insight provide a platform to address the challenges
Electricity networks are transforming. More frequent control means the need for faster response; smart metering multiplies the quantity of data and communications; new forms of generation require additional telemetry, alarms and event logs. The implications for the volume, velocity and variety of enterprise data are dramatic. Historically information has been communicated with relatively high latency, often using batch processing. This has been sufficient for the traditional linear energy model but the smart network demands so much more. The need to be more agile is driving businesses to become much more information intensive.
In many cases, existing systems do not even meet current operational needs for safe, reliable and efficient network management. Asset data is often inaccurate, out of date or simply missing. Data is held in multiple silos, often in different formats, limiting the intelligence that would otherwise come from bringing datasets together. Geospatial data is often held against different referencing systems, with varying levels of positional accuracy. Management of change is labor intensive, causing delays and backlogs.
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