Anti-Bribery Policy Statement
1Spatial is committed to implementing and enforcing effective systems to counter corruption and bribery. It is our aim to conduct business within an honest and ethical manner and bribery in any form will not be tolerated by the Board or the Company.
The Company has an Anti-Bribery Policy which is included as part of the induction process and Company Handbook. Employees are required to sign a statement declaring that they understand and accept the provisions of the Bribery Act 2010.
The policy encourages employees to raise concerns and report violations as early as possible. This is particularly important since 1Spatial are liable for the employee's actions unless it can meet the "adequate procedures" defence. We have internal controls in place to record and evidence the business reason for gifts, hospitality and payments made and received.
The Anti-Bribery policy is provided in full in the Company Handbook and covers these key areas.
- Anti-bribery
- Business gifts
- Hospitality
- Offering gifts and hospitality
- Recording gifts and hospitality
- Responsibilities of the Head of Department / Chief Finance Officer
- Expenses
- Attempts to bribe
- Donations to charitable organisations
- Disciplinary action
- Raising concerns
1Spatial’s stance on Anti-Bribery is further reinforced by our General Rules where ‘receipt of bribes’ is a prominent example for Gross Misconduct. There is a Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblowing) Policy for raising fraud/bribery relating to the Company with someone in confidence.
Given the nature of our business, our supply chain mostly consists of the hiring of independent consultants and other service providers, and the procurement of other software-related goods and services. Regarding our supply chain, we consider ourselves to be low risk.
We undertake Supplier Assessments to establish risk profiles before engaging with them. These assessments are regularly reviewed as part of our Quality Management System (QMS). This includes the review of suppliers, sub-contractors and independent consultants who work with us as Associates.