The 3D GeoInfo Conference - fuelling discussion and insight into all things 3D

Fuelling discussion and insight into all things 3D
18th September 2020
Phillip Ridley, 1Spatial’s, Senior Business Development Consultant reflects on the recent 3D GeoInfo Conference and how 1Spatial played a part in the event.
During the week beginning the 7th September, 3D data specialists, users and enthusiasts gathered online for the London hosted 3D GeoInfo conference and 1Spatial were delighted to sponsor and present throughout the week at the 13th annual event.
With events being cancelled left right and center throughout 2020, the organising committee did a fantastic job of moving the conference online with interactive talks and networking opportunities from across the globe. all without leaving our homes. At 1Spatial we want to extend our thanks to all of those who did such a sterling job organising this year’s conference.
The conference bought together a wide range of talks covering 3D data creation, transformation and use. In the 3D data creation range, there were many talks on tools for capturing new data, processes and standards to consider when creating data and processes for incorporating your new 3D datasets into existing ecosystems to make them available for use.
For 3D data transformation there were a wide range of talks, but a repeated theme was data format transformation. Again, the different talks covered a wide range of topics, but essentially the question at hand was how to make 3D data ready for use in existing ecosystems?
We had talks presenting processes for validating 3D data both overground and underground, data models for 3D data in which data is to be stored, and standardized processes for handling 3D data. As data quality and data management specialists at 1Spatial, it was interesting to hear what other organisations are focused on, and how we as technology providers can help provide the tools for the job.
1Spatial presented automated techniques for merging authoritative 2D data with newly captured accurate 3D data, proposed as a methodology to help National Mapping Agencies make that transformation to 3D data providers by enhancing their existing 2D authoritative data. This methodology is going to be presented in more detail at our conference Smarter Data Smarter World, alongside updates about our 1Integrate 3D product – why not sign up?
Finally, the 3D data use presentations were really interesting and helpful to see how 3D data is being applied to real life operations, as well as proposed use cases. This is particularly helpful as a technology specialist to ensure that our research and development continues to meet the needs of the market. I personally found the discussion about gaming technologies leading the culture, and the full 3D interactive immersive experience most exciting, although that may be my inner child excited by the cool gadgets. I also know our development team who also attended many of the talks were also excited and inspired about what they heard and learnt, as they continue to develop our 3D products.
Whilst it is always preferable to meet people face to face, this conference was a fantastic event with many insightful talks helping fuel our 3D data research and development programme at 1Spatial.
If you would like to know more then please don’t hesitate to get in contact. I am already looking forward to the 2021 conference in New York, and hope to see many of you there!
In the meantime, we also invite you to register for our upcoming webinar: Transforming Authoritative 2D Data to a 3D World taking place on 22nd October.