Ville de Namur

City of Namur
In December 2005 a tender was launched by the Department of Urban Geography (GUN) of the City of Namur to develop the current GIS system into a new 100% interoperable architecture based on Oracle Spatial. The City of Namur selected 1Spatial to implement this new solution. Indeed, all the software components of the 1Spatial solution provide direct access to Oracle Spatial databases, selected as the central warehouse of map (graphic and attribute) data of the City of Namur.
Deployed solutions
- Expert solutions (input, edit and control data integrity, topology, digitizing, etc.)
- Office solutions (data query and use, print, customisation, etc.)
- Web solutions (for both industry-focused and public applications)
These solutions are accompanied by all necessary services (including the migration of data to the Oracle Spatial warehouse).
The industry-focused applications developed together with 1Spatial allow the relevant services to control the
management of their own data within the GIS of the city; applications dedicated to mobility, sewage network,
town-planning, environment, snow clearance plan, emergency response plan, anti-social behaviour, etc.
Other applications are also being envisaged such as those related to byways, cemeteries, housing, permit schemes, etc.
Also, from now on, the WMS (Web Map Service) technology allows authenticated users outside the City of Namur to view and use maps of geo-referenced data on the servers of the City.
Among the numerous assets of the GIS of the City of Namur, let’s note:
- Collect, archive, overlay and cross reference information
- Link graphic objects to alphanumeric data
- Perform spatial queries
- Produce thematic maps
- Share and dispatch the collected information via Intranet and/or Internet
- Contribute to decision-making
- Save time
Thanks to the rigorous work made by operators to keep land data up to date, the GIS of the City of Namur is a real success given the increasing number of daily accesses.