Smarter spatial data for next generation railways
Whether you are an engineer building HS2 or an operator planning for the Digital Railway, these are exciting times. As the rail industry embarks on the biggest programmes of rail modernisation since the Victorians, we can all look forward to rail network capacity increases of up to 40%.
Fundamental to this modernisation, is the need for good quality data, which in turn enables improved decision making. However, data challenges can be wide spread within organisations or across supply chains, undermining your people’s ability to plan, build, maintain or operate in the modern age.
The requirements your stakeholders have of you now are complex and will continue to increase in complexity as the demands for greater automation and operational efficiencies increase.
- Can you be sure that the spatial data you are using for digital signalling is complete and trust worthy?
- Can you derive the variety of schematics needed across your organisation from the most up to date data automatically?
- Can you effectively track and manage your data as it flows out of your organisation into your supply chain, and then back?
- Complexity, managed poorly, can mean ballooning costs. Different systems and incompatible data take time to resolve, yet the market demands organisations and their people continuously evolve, by doing do more with less.
- How can you integrate, manage, update and share spatial data so that it saves your people time and money?
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For help getting your geospatial data into shape and keeping it that way, please contact us.
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Working with HS2
Enabling HS2 to validate the quality, conformance and design of construction-related data submitted by their Supply Chain.