Constituency boundaries are a vital part of the machinery of democracy. On average they represented 72,200 of the electorate (in England) who in turn are represented by one Member of parliament.
These boundaries need to ensure constituency sizes are equal and reflect the electorate and this demands data that can be trusted.
Our pedigree in automated data management has seen it deliver solutions to manage constituency boundaries for over 2 decades. These solutions deliver the authoritative data to governments from which elections are run.
Our automation of data quality ensures government have trust in boundaries that define the electorate which in turn maintains public trust in the electoral system and government decision-making.
The Challenge
Managing updates to hierarchical constituency and administrative boundaries – for example, parish to district to county to region – quickly becomes a large and complex data management task. This is even more complex where the system is only partially hierarchical and local deviations are required.
The Solution
The accuracy and integrity of administrative boundaries is critical. Changes to your foundation data can affect the electoral constituencies, legal rights of citizens and the allocation of government funds. Yet, change is constant. Boundaries are changed by boundary commissions, often in response to population change or changes on the ground (new housing developments, coastlines changes etc).
GPS surveying technology adds an additional layer of change. As the location of physical features gets more accurately defined, their position relative to other features can change and therefore, historical boundary definitions need to be updated.
Maintaining data integrity is vital, but even small local boundary changes can become hugely complex data maintenance projects. A steady stream of incremental changes requires an ongoing, resource-heavy process of updates.
Our solution takes you beyond the traditional, approach to managing this by using automation to handle the demands of editing and managing large, complex hierarchical boundary data-sets.
It combines the following key elements:
- An easy to use interface for managers and editors
- User-defined, automated rules that reach beyond topology to manage data changes according to your unique needs
- A combination of a transparent auditing trail and data validation
The Result
Giving you the security that updates to constituency and administrative boundaries are maintained automatically to be coherent and valid.
We have a long history of working with national mapping agencies, cadastral agencies and other users of complex geospatial data around the world.
We enjoy long-term partnerships with many of these agencies and help them manage data assets of critical national importance.