Ecology Surveys
Deliver better data for ecological surveys
Major development projects often need to undertake detailed Environmental Impact Assessments as part of the planning process which incorporate Ecological Impact Assessments of how the development will affect biodiversity and habitats. This typically involves multiple contractors submitting data from surveys in different formats that can be difficult to verify and analyse. Our Ecology Survey solution gives you the power to instantly verify the quality, completeness, and reliability of your ecological survey data before you deliver it to your customer, therefore avoiding the cost and effort of re-surveys. The solution streamlines the data delivery from your staff and contractors, whilst our data agnostic technology gives you the confidence that your survey data is verified, no matter the format.
Automation increasing timeliness and quality of ecology survey data for LM
At the end of the 2019 season LM recognised a pressing need to check data earlier in it’s lifecycle, to ensure consistency between submissions from different contractors and to automate the process to increase capacity, efficiency and data quality, enabling faster provision of data to decision makers.

The Challenge
Environmental Impact Assessments provide key information into the planning process so that appraisals can be made of the potential harm that might result from a development. Within these, high-quality ecological information is critically important for demonstrating a development's compliance with the numerous rules, laws, and obligations regarding the project’s ecological impact.
Ecological surveys create huge amounts of data for use as the evidence-base. But there are surprisingly few common standards for recording, processing, checking, assuring, and then publishing and delivering the data captured by ecological surveys. Add to the mix additional problems arising from different surveyors collecting data in different ways and formats and it can become difficult to organise, structure, and compare data captured across a large project.
The Solution
Our solution uses both 1Data Gateway and 1Integrate. 1Data Gateway is a cloud-enabled portal which allows the de-centralisation of ecological survey data validation. The portal allows ecological surveyors to submit survey data through a secure portal in the cloud. Powered by 1Integrate’s rules-engine, data is automatically checked and validated at source to ensure its completeness, quality, and reliability. Surveyors then immediately receive a report showing any errors and issues in the survey data so that they can subsequently address those before the data is submitted to the next recipient in the supply chain.
By establishing a set of rules which the data must conform to, our solution provides assurance that the data is fit for purpose and can be trusted before being passed along the supply chain. The quality of data therefore remains high throughout the supply chain as each organisation uses the same automated rules to validate the data.
The Result
Our solution helps you to have confidence in the reliability of the ecological survey data you deliver to your clients and project partners. It enables instant, automatic checks for the survey data’s completeness and quality. Rules-based automated data validation allows each link in the project’s supply chain to take responsibility for ensuring and proving that ecological survey data is complete and correct before submission, helping you to avoid the cost and effort of re-surveys.
Get in touch
On Demand Webinar - 1Data Gateway SCDQ for Ecology Surveys – Delivering better data?
Paddy Corkery, Lead Digital Engineer, LM-JV Two of Europe’s most prominent and innovative engineering and construction companies – Laing O’Rourke and Murphy – have come together to form LM, a powerful joint venture, ready to support the growing number of major transport infrastructure projects across the UK. LM is the Enabling Works Partner of HS2 tasked with managing the EIAs for the northern area of Phase 1. In conjunction with LM, 1Spatial have developed an Ecology Survey Data Quality Portal which can be used by JV suppliers to ensure only data confirming to the HS2 specifications is submitted to them. If you have any questions about this presentation or would like to tell us about your data challenge, please get in touch.
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