Our world better
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations are an important part of our sustainable growth strategy and commitment to Net Zero. These considerations are already reflected in the policies and principles that govern our business.
Although we have been supporting ESG initiatives for several years, we recognise the need for a more formalised approach to sustainability across the organisation, to support our purpose of creating a safer, smarter and more sustainable world.
We have established an ESG task team to help us develop a strategic ESG framework, set clear objectives and agree on targets to embed sustainability across the organisation.
Carbon Footprint and Energy Survey
We have undertaken a detailed carbon footprint and energy survey to establish our baseline consumption levels. This project will also identify opportunities for reducing our carbon footprint and enable us to implement processes to meet our objectives. We will track and report on our progress annually through our Annual report and SECR report found below:
Read the UK carbon and energy report for 2023-2024
Carbon Reduction Plan
Our latest Carbon Reduction Plan for our UK operations, aligned with the Government Procurement Policy Note 06/21 can be found below:
Download the Carbon Reduction Plan
1Spatial is committed to high standards of corporate governance is all of its activities. Read more about how we comply with key requirements, regulations and laws.
Materiality Assessment and Stakeholder Engagement
Following a detailed review of our existing policies, procedures and processes to determine areas for improvement and alignment, we embarked on a stakeholder engagement process with our customers, employees, investors, and "the business" (senior management and board members) to determine material ESG concerns by order of priority. We received responses from more than 150 stakeholders, from which we determined 13 key issues that we deem significant. These issues are now being consolidated into a set of core focus areas.
ESG Strategy Development
Following the materiality assessment, we are engaging with key business leaders to establish a set of targets and milestones that will form the basis of our ESG strategy and sustainability roadmap.
We aim to carefully monitor and communicate our progress against our ESG objectives to all stakeholders, across various channels, including in our annual report.
Our Commitment to ESG is Clear
“Our commitment to ESG means we are actively working towards establishing an environmental, social and governance (ESG) framework, tied to performance targets, that will embed our purpose of creating a safer, smarter and more sustainable world.”
CEO, 1SpatialCurrent and Past ESG Initiatives
WE continue to support numerous activities that underscore our commitment to the environment, our people, the community and our planet.
Supporting Our Customers' Sustainability Objectives
In the past, our customers' requirements focused predominantly around realising efficiencies and cost savings. More and more however, we are seeing their drivers evolve around around sustainability, social matters, health and safety and regulatory compliance. These drivers support 1Spatial's purpose of contributing to a safer, smarter and more sustainable world.