UK Power Networks selects 1Streetworks software to revolutionise streetworks planning

Cambridge, UK, February 28th, 2024, ( 1Spatial, the global leader in managing geospatial data is pleased to announce that following conclusion of a successful trial, it has signed a 12-month contract with UK Power Networks (UKPN), for its Traffic Management Plan Automation (“TMPA”) solution, under the 1Streetworks brand in the UK (“1Streetworks”).
There were over 4 million low-speed road works undertaken in the UK per year. With the planning of these works using manual systems that have changed little in the last 30 years resulting in capacity issues and turnaround times for plans measured in hours, days and even weeks.
1Streeworks has fundamentally changed this by leveraging 1Spatial’s expertise in geospatial science and digitisation. Our SaaS based solution creates a safe, compliant and consistent traffic management plan in under two minutes. Enabling organisations to drive value for its customers and meet the demands of its regulatory targets.
UK Power Networks has 190,000km of cables and delivers thousands of streetworks every year across London, the South-East and East of England, to maintain safe and reliable power supplies to 19 million people. Our 1Streetworks software has successfully been used in a Surrey trial to quote for and connect small power connections for customers. It reduced the time surveyors spent on labour-intensive streetworks design plans from hours to just minutes, while continuing to meet the high levels of safety and accuracy required under the regulations.
The average time taken to connect new or altered power connections was reduced by a quarter across approximately 300 Surrey roadworks sites where 1Streetworks was used. The trial was so successful, the technology is now going to be rolled out on a larger Kent trial, testing if it can be used to benefit customers served by other workstreams across UK Power Networks.
“Planning streetworks to the high standards we expect takes time and few have tried to revolutionise the process during my 23 years in the sector. So, I’m excited about the potential of 1Streetworks to streamline complex traffic management plans, enable better communication with customers and highway authorities and improve the speed and accuracy of streetworks plans”.
Paul Dooley, streetworks performance manager at UK Power Networks
“We are delighted that our innovative 1Streetworks application has delivered such fantastic results for UK Power Networks and its customers. We look forward to working with Paul and the team to roll out the software further across the network over the coming months. This has been a key milestone for the company and a culmination of many years of work and investment. The commercial validation brought by this contract is crucial in driving adoption across the wider industry.
“We are encouraged by current discussions with other major operators across multiple industries, who have the same challenges in producing traffic management plans.
“With our new SaaS offerings, 1Streetworks in the UK and NG911 in the US, opening up considerable additional growth markets opportunities alongside our Enterprise offerings, we believe the opportunity for 1Spatial has never been greater.”
Claire Milverton, CEO of 1Spatial
What next?
If you would like to find out more about how we are revolutionising traffic management planning, head over to our dedicated 1Streetworks website to find out more,