Suez Eau France

Suez Eau France is a major incumbent operator from French private market for drinking water distribution and wastewater collection. He holds nearly 20% of this market, which represents 11 million people served by drinking water and 12 million connected to the sewerage. Guided by customer satisfaction and compliance with environmental standards, Suez Eau France has decided to entrust 1Spatial to establish a GIS platform in order to optimize the use of its networks.
The software solutions and the numerous applications constituting the business “Water and Sanitation” GIS platform have been implemented and are always evolving through a close – and constantly renewed – partnership between Suez Eau France and 1Spatial. They help to maintain a perfect knowledge of the Water and Sanitation assets (capture, control, inventory management, and map viewer tools), bring efficient diagnosis tools (pipes inventory and renewals forecast) and street works management tools (works visits, rounds of inspection for sensitive accessories, leaks detection, water cuts management). A fleet of 1,700 tablets and the joint use of GPS allow assets data exploitation and update in the field. Suez Eau France today continues to work closely with 1Spatial for the maintenance and development of its GIS platform to constantly adapt it to the latest technologies, the needs of its 4,000 users, the requirements of its customers and the rules conditioning the operation of its networks (eg the application of the Grenelle 2 Act).
The business GIS established by 1Spatial supports a continuous process of improvement of Suez Eau France, whose goals are decision support, drinking water network performance control (leakage decrease, drinking water resource better management), water and sewerage networks maintenance optimization (avoid pollution of the natural environment), and the desire to apply the greatest accuracy and greatest geographic precision for mapped elements.
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